Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yarn Crawl

For those of you who don't know; a Yarn Crawl is like a Pub Crawl only with a lot more lasting fun, and no hangover.

Joanell, Barbara, Jane, Sharon

Last week some of the ladies of my Stitch & Bitch joined me for a trip to Tucson, AZ for a "Yarn Crawl". It was an all day excursion starting at 7AM and ending at 10PM. Joanell and I shared the driving, Jane and Sharon navigated.

I have a 7 passenger GMC Arcadia; it should have more than enough room for four ladies yarn shopping. However we all brought projects to work on, books for reference, water for desert travel, and snacks. We were prepared for anything.

The first shop we visited was Purls Tucson. We caught them at a bad time; they had just vacated their shop temporarily for a few days while it was being remodeled. They had only moved two doors down. Typical of any move; there was little or no method to how the movers dropped their stuff. The shop owners had managed to put out one ball of each yarn in every color, and would get however many balls you wanted from the bags and bags of yarn that were stacked against the walls, under the tables, and in the back room. It takes more than an upside down shop to slow down a dedicated knitter. We shopped, the owners dug, and we shopped some more.

Here is Jane, tucked in between the bins and bags, checking out some new patterns.

Here is Sharon, perhaps reconsidering her choices as the store owner tallies up Sharon's bill. Sharon did not reconsider long. She took everything she wanted, and stuffed it into my rapidly filling SUV.


Our next stop was Grandma's Spinning Wheel. It featured not only some very unusual yarns for knitting, but also anything you would ever need for spinning your own yarn. We all looked at the lovely fleece, and the wooden spinning wheels longingly, and then went to the other side of the store where we bought already spun yarn. I guess there is not a purest in the bunch. Many more bags were added to my SUV at Grandma's.

Our next scheduled stop was The Kiwi Knitter alas, they were closed for vacation. However we did peek in the window and deemed the shop well worth a future visit.

Across the street was Rincon Market, a combination market and deli. We all stoked up on the salad buffet by the oz. We all also indulged in the deserts. I can personally say that the pecan baklava is heavenly.

Our last stop was The Tucson Yarn Company by this time I was too tired to take pictures, or perhaps too distracted in their back room which they open to me so I could look through the boxes of lace weight yarn that had just arrived. Here we filled more bags that were stuffed in the back of my SUV.

It was time to drive back to Deming. There was one more stop at the truck stop in Wilcox, AZ where we switched drivers, and ate just one more desert.

While none of use need any more yarn, we had such a good time that we have planned to go again some time next spring. Until then we had better knit fast to make room for more yarn.

Here in Joanell checking out just one more hank.....

1 comment:

  1. A trailer hitch comes to mind, let's see, google U-haul, ah there is a u-haul and I just happen to have the right hitch ball (carefully researched earlier), AND have the adapter for the u-haul plug to the RV plug. What a coincidence, :)
