Saturday, July 10, 2010


This last week has been so eventful that I haven't had time to post. I am sitting in my RV in a campground in Cloudcroft, NM. The sun is in and out, mostly in, and I had planned to use this time to download pictures and catch up with the blog.

However I have forgotten to bring the cable to download my camera with. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

While forgetful me can't show you the pictures, I can tell you a bit about what I did last week and the place I am at now.

Earlier this week my some of the ladies from my Stitch & Bitch group went to Tucson, AZ to visit the yarn stores there. My 7 passenger car was filled to the brim with 4 ladies, snacks, water (of course we were in the desert), knitting books for quick reference, our knitting projects to keep us occupied during the drive (like chatting would not be enough), and bags of yarn. The bags of yarn kept adding up at each stop; lovely yarn of every weight and color, enough yarn to last for years. We had so much fun that we plan to do it again. Not because we need more yarn, but because it was such a good day.

I promise that pictures will follow, but not right away.

On Friday morning I left the high desert of 4,000 ft. where I live, to go the the woods of the high mountains near Cloudcroft, NM. I am at 9,000 ft, where it is much cooler. Of course the coolness of the air is a relief, but the pine woods that surround me are starting to bother me. I find that while I like an occasional tree for the shade, a whole forest of them hems me in and blocks my view. I will be interested to see how I feel about trees when my visit is done.

I promise that pictures of my mountain vacation will follow also.

Forgetful, forgetful, forgetful.......

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