Monday, July 26, 2010

Day Trip to El Paso II

The El Paso Museum of Art greets visitors with El Vacquero, a fiberglass statue by Luis Jimenez. This being Texas, the statue is is biggest, shiniest, toughest cowboy imaginable.

Alas I am not an appreciative audience of this statue because I am not fond of fiberglass as a medium. For me it evokes the same feelings of other statues done in that medium like Ronald McDonald, and Bob's Big Boy; places that want my money of something of lesser quality.
The architecture of both the interior and exterior are interesting. However I got distracted and only took pictures of the entrance. I cannot find pictures of the interior on the Internet to share with you, but promise I will on my next visit.
We went specifically to see the Bedazzled exhibit; it was on loan and therefore I could not photograph it. My working life was in the jewelry industry and I am a sucker for any exhibit of jewelry; modern, historical, costume or fine. This exhibit, while worth seeing, was of a private collection that was unfocused, and the mounting of the exhibit could have been better. The lighting was not the best for the objects shown, and the magnifying glasses to see the detail were not installed in the cases at the optimum focus, but hand held by the viewer. This link will take you to images from the catalogue. This is the very fist exhibit I have ever attended where the images in the catalogue were better than the objects themselves.
However a day out with a friend is treasure, no matter what you are doing.

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