Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This and that

Things are looking up here. I did have to get that cortisone shot and it is working. I am starting to look human, I expect tonight to be my first good night's sleep in two weeks, and I do believe that tomorrow I will be able to wear proper undergarments when I go out. Yay!!!

The TV issues remain the same. I will tackle it when I more fully myself.

I hope the shelves get painted this weekend.

And I am feeling pretty perky.

I think a blog without pictures is uninteresting; I am a very visual person. Since I haven't been out and about I have no new ones to share with you, but I do have archives.

Today's pictures are of my art work. All of these are based on pictures of people I don't know, but who have fascinated me. One of the antique shops where I bought some of these had them in a basket labeled "Unclaimed Relatives". Here are my unclaimed relatives and the stories I have made up for them. They are all colored pencils drawings on white fabric, appliqued, embroidered, and quilted.

This piece is called "Grandmother's Flower Garden". It's background is a scrap of an vintage quilt top in the Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern. I assume they are husband and wife, and the picture was taken by one of their visiting children. Grandfather is dapper, basking in the attention of his offspring, and Grandmother is a tad wrinkled and worn. She is the one who has been cooking for the last two days, making sure everybody is fed and happy.

This is Ann. I think of her as a young woman who comes from a upper class family who has fallen on hard times. She has been betrothed to an older widower with four children. Because of her family's reduced circumstances this is considered a good match. I have hoped that her sting of pearls, which is broken and in the process of falling to the ground, and the wilted bouquet express the loss of her innocence.

"The Glance". The shy glance, and mischievous smile of this woman endeared her to me.
I hope you have enjoyed my "Reclaimed Relatives".

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved your "relative" pieces and am delighted to see them again. Also, I'm relieved that you have gotten some sleep, finally. Whew!

    About that TV issue? If it only takes two remotes, call yourself lucky. Jer has rigged up such a set of contraptions (he refuses to buy a new set that _might_ be simpler, that no one can use it except him. We can always tell when we go out of town if our daughter has been in the house, trying to watch TV. She still hasn't figured out that it's a one-person operation. Me, I just read my Kindle
