Monday, August 23, 2010

Chihuahua Race II

Besides the races there was a "Dog and Person Look Alike Costume Contest". Hang on for a cuteness overload.

This lady and her dog were not entered in the contest, they just looked alike. I wonder if the woman looked for a dog that looked like her, or if she changed her look to resemble the dog? Maybe she is unaware of the resemblance. Maybe they are sisters.

This woman took the whole contest thing a little too seriously. Her dog had a change of outfits that were rotated throughout the afternoon. She did not win. It was a very warm day and most of the people did not put their dogs into costume until just before the contest. I suspect that the judges did not reward the woman because of the unintentional discomfort she caused here dog. Not cruelty, she would have been torn from limb to limb in the dog loving crowd, but discomfort. Shame on her.
This little fellow was a mixed breed, but he had Chihuahua in him and Chihuahua people are not exacting. Come one, come all. He looks very sexy in his "leathers".

Hello! This costume was a "no brainer".

This little girl wore a costume as delicate as she was. With the costume on I don't think she would have broken the 3 lb. mark.

Bat Dog; probably more intelligent than Robin as a sidekick.

The winner was "Football Dog". Both she and her owner were dress in the colors of a New Mexico collage football team (I have no idea which one.) The helmet was only worn for the contest.
It was a very good day; the dogs were well behaved, the children were well behaved, and everybody scooped.

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