Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Playing With Color III

This is a report on my color play. There is good news and bad news.
The good news is the nail polish called "Petal To The Metal" looks great. The silver grey takes on the color of what it is near: pink, ice blue, or a gunmetal color near black; it is a perfect neutral. Also it wears well. This one is a keeper.

The bad news is the shawl I started had to be "frogged" (rip it, rip it). I made an error in the cast on. Usually an error of that sort would show up in the first pattern row, but through some mathematical fluke the error did not show up until I started the third chart. Grrrrrrr

Still it is a fun, interesting knit, and will be even better if I don't make any more stupid mistakes.

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