Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bath Time for The Boys

Yesterday was bath day for "The Boys". Conditions have to be just right: no dishes in the sink, lots of patience on my part, warm sun (not hot) coming in the window. First I pretend like I am puttering around in the kitchen as I get out the towels, dog shampoo, water proof apron, and fill the sinks with warm water.

Because Roul is the fastest and the smartest of the two it is necessary for me to lull him into a false sense of security. I sit in my chair and pretend to read the paper. Roul decides it is safe and jumps into my lap. I gently, but firmly hold him in my arms and approach the sink. This is when he starts to scramble, climbing my arms, and leaving toenail tracks. Once in the water he is defeated and allows the bath to happen. However if I do not exercise due vigilance he will try to escape to the counter top.

When Roul's bath is complete, I put him into an arm chair with a large bath towel covering it. He flips over onto his back and "spin dries". While it is fun to watch him, it is impossible for me to take a picture of the "spin" because he gets carried away and I need to watch to make sure he doesn't spin right off the chair. After his "spin dry" he finishes up with a sun dry.

Blizzard is easier to catch. Because his shoulder was broken he is not as fast as Roul; I can just quietly swoop him up. Before he came to us, a year ago, Blizzard was neglected, his only bath was the rain. He has not yet figured out that Mom means business and he cannot escaped a bath. As I start to lower him into the sink all four of his little legs extend straight out to the sides of his body like a furry starfish. Once I do manage to get him into the sink he is constantly trying to escape from it. Bathing him is far more challenging than bathing Roul.

Blizzard does not "spin" dry; first he likes being cradled in a towel to get the worst of the wet off, then while sitting in the sun, he gives himself a complete going over with his tongue.

They both spend the rest of the morning on the window ledge, basking in the sun and checking each other out. Here Roul checks to make sure if I have gotten Blizzard's ears clean.

The are fluffy and clean. I am a wet mess with towels to wash, and sinks to clean. But oh they are sooooo soft when they are clean - I could just snuggle them to death.


  1. All four paws out -- just like a cat. I knew there was something about those guys that made them attract a cat person like myself....

  2. I am allergic to cats so I have not had the time to observe them, but Ralph always had a cat and was struck by the cat like behavior of the Chihuahuas. Both are now curled up fast asleep; just like cats.
