Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Camping in Rockhound St. Park

Last week I took my little Casita Travel Trailer and went camping. It was my first solo camping trip in the trailer. Hooking it up was not too bad, backing it into both the campsite, and it's parking space at home was not too good. I will get better with practice.

I chose to go only 15 miles from home to Rockhound State Park in the Florida Mountains near Deming, NM. At Rockhound visitors are encouraged to explore, and take home up to 15 pounds of rocks per day. I am not a rockhound, but I have talked to people who are, and the rocks close to the trail have been picked over. To find the best rocks a collector must climb high into the mountain. That makes carrying 15 pounds quite a chore. I am not a collector - whew!

It looks pretty bleak to an eye used to lots of trees and green, but with trees in the way all of the big beautiful blue sky would not be visible.

It was rather windy as it always is in the spring of the year.

If you look closely there are many beautiful wonders to be seen. I will be sharing my pictures with you in my next few entries.

1 comment:

  1. It looks quite beautiful to me. And I'm glad to see the Casita at last. Very very Emily Carr -- she's smiling at you right now, I'm sure. You might need a monkey, though, to go with the dogs .
