Saturday, May 29, 2010

Somebodies Best Friend

The other day while out and about I had an uncontrollable urge for a Blue Cheese stuffed Hamburger with Sweet Potato Fries on the side. That meant a detour to the Patio Cafe. While sitting at my table, gazing out the back door I saw a pile of something brown on the back of a pickup truck. Getting out my trusty camera with 12x optical zoom I learned that it was a dog. A very big, shaggy dog. He was waiting patiently for his person to come out of the store. He never moved, never even shifted his weight.

Until a young man walked by with a hamburger. Now that caught his attention. Alas the young man did not share and the dogs continued to wait.

Music by Arabella

Not long ago a new shop opened in town: The Galleria. They had a grand opening (no sales though - RATS) In the background there was lovely, relaxing music; mostly old standards played softly on a keyboard.

The person responsible for the music was Arabella. She is a resident of Deming who travels all around the US earning her living playing her music. She was born in Deming and inherited her grandfathers house where she lives between jobs. She said she loves her travels, and is drawn to big cities where there are lots of things happening. Yet there is something about Deming that keeps bringing her back. She is not sure what it is, but acknowledges that the pull is strong.

Today she was playing as a gift to the owners of the new store. What a lovely gift.

Arabella's music is soft and restful, Arabella is a hot ticket. I wish I had gotten a better picture of her outfit: silver sequined sneakers, a skirt with twisted ruffles hanging from the hem, and a black shirt with pink sequins declaring to all the world that she is a Capricorn.

If you are open to them, life has an abundance of little jewels for you to experience. Arabella is one of them.

The Nest

Before I completely overwhelm my readers with pictures of flowers I think I should draw the posts about my trip to Rockhound State Park to a close by showing you the inside of my little Casita Travel Trailer. I frequently refer to it as a nest.

The back is a table for four that can be lowered into a double bed. I keep it as a bed all of the time. When afternoons are hot, windy, or I am just in the mood for a nap it is a comfortable place to retreat to. As you can see the boys understood its function completely.
The is the small table for two that I leave up all of the time (it also converts into a very narrow bed). It is a space to eat, read, write, and store things. At night I could eat my dinner while watching the lights of Deming blink on one at a time; beautiful.

A lot of my time in the nest was spent reading: a little inner exploration, New Mexico history, tourist information, and a curiosity to see what houses in the area are going for.
Here I am sitting on the edge of the big bed taking a picture towards the front of the trailer. Behind the door with the mirror was the bathroom: toilet, sink, and shower. To the far right is the microwave, and just the tip top of the refrigerator and freezer. My little Casita is just perfect for me and the boys.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rockhound State Park Nature Garden

Around 6 or 7 PM most nights, the boys and I would walk the path in the Nature Garden at Rockhound St. Park. because of the sharp angle of the sun the landscape change depending on the direction it was viewed from. Faced from the west it looked like this.

Faced from the north the shadows were more interesting.

Faced toward the west it was magical.

The sun's rays back lite these small, common weeds and made them beautiful and mysterious beyond words.

The Nature Garden has changed for the better since it was built by “Mary of the Rocks” several years ago. The tacky but sincere little shrines she built have all almost been swallowed by the desert. The few that remain are graciously faded. The cacti she transplanted, and all of the other desert plants she moved to this concentrated site are no longer struggling to survive bordered with homemade wind brakes. They ones that have survived are full, vibrant and thriving. The rocks she carried by hand from other parts of the park to border the meandering paths she constructed are now soft and natural looking. Because of the growth of the plants one can no longer see the layout of the entire garden, but is constantly and pleasantly surprised as they follow the paths. It has become a magical place both because of and in spite of her. I have been told that she has died a year or two ago. There is no sign posted telling of the gardens origins, few remember her, or her efforts, yet with just a little bit of maintenance her work will live on to enchant so many others. If not maintained her work will be swallowed by the desert in a couple of years, just like her memory.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Camping in Rockhound St. Park

Last week I took my little Casita Travel Trailer and went camping. It was my first solo camping trip in the trailer. Hooking it up was not too bad, backing it into both the campsite, and it's parking space at home was not too good. I will get better with practice.

I chose to go only 15 miles from home to Rockhound State Park in the Florida Mountains near Deming, NM. At Rockhound visitors are encouraged to explore, and take home up to 15 pounds of rocks per day. I am not a rockhound, but I have talked to people who are, and the rocks close to the trail have been picked over. To find the best rocks a collector must climb high into the mountain. That makes carrying 15 pounds quite a chore. I am not a collector - whew!

It looks pretty bleak to an eye used to lots of trees and green, but with trees in the way all of the big beautiful blue sky would not be visible.

It was rather windy as it always is in the spring of the year.

If you look closely there are many beautiful wonders to be seen. I will be sharing my pictures with you in my next few entries.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


The garden is coming into it's glorious self. In the early morning the Chocolate Flowers bloom. They last only until it gets hot later in the day, then they drop their petals. But oh they do smell wonderful in the morning, they have the odor of hot cocoa - honest! While they are not eatable by humans, the birds feast on the seeds.

I have no idea what these gentle lavender flowers are. They have appeared by the magic of nature around my mailbox. I am sure some people would call them weeds and pull them up. I call them a gift and enjoy every day I go out for the mail or newspaper.

I have two kinds of plants in my garden: happy and dead. This Apache Plum is one of the happy plants. It is a member of the rose family but has no thorns. When the flowers fade they turn into feathery seed heads that resemble Indian Headdresses. The finches come from far and wide to dine on them.

Nature has designed my garden. Plants frequently die where I put them, but there seeds come up someplace else where they thrive. The plants under the sundial are all "volunteers". All I had to do was stand back and let them happen.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Little Dancer

I shared pictures the official performers from last weeks Fiesta. This little girl was an added bonus. She knew every step, every nuance of the dances preformed. I think she deserves her own full skirted colorful dress. Maybe in a few years I will see her preform as part of the troupe.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New in Town

Blizzard and Roul were minding their own business.

Then Blizzard caught the scent.
Then Roul picked it up. It was Tipper, the new Golden Retriever puppy next door. Welcome to the neighborhood Tipper.

Monday, May 17, 2010

More Fiesta

I promise these are the last pictures of Folklorico Dancers that I will post from this particular festival. I am careful with my words because I know there will be more festivals and I know that I will take more pictures.

I was so impressed with the composure, and professionalism of these Deming High School students. They preformed on the sidewalk, in costumes that must have been very hot to wear under the desert sun, and they made the audience feel like they were part of the dance, not spectators.

I will now be quiet and let you enjoy the performance.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


This is Page, she is the owner of Life Ways Health Shoppe. She started the business four years ago; she has a good head for business and the ability to really listen to her customers. The shop offers natural foods, supplements, bulk food, and fresh vegetables from local gardens in season. Also there is a masseuse, make up, and hand woven goods from Carol Ward, a local weaver. Page has even opened a small coffee shop attached to the shop. Well done Page.
Saturday was the forth anniversary of the stores opening. In true southwestern tradition she threw a fiesta.

The Folklorico Dance troupe from the local High School was featured. (You will be seeing more of them later.)

There were all sorts of vendors; this lady made lovely jewelry. She also dazzled me with her color block dress. She look elegant and cool.

Of course there had to be a western singer.

There was a good turn out of local residents. Some because we just never saw a fiesta we didn't like, and most because we wanted to celebrate the fruits of Page's hard work.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today I have continued to experiment (play) with my Photoshop Elements program. First I took a detail shot from yesterday. It is of where the tin roof angles.

Then I duplicated it, flipped parts, and reassembled it.

Then I played with different filters.

The filter I liked best was the Neon one.

I duplicated and flipped some more and came up with an interesting composition. Yes, I know it could be even more interesting but that is enough play for today.

This is fun; who knew how much could be done with an image of a roof?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Playing With Images

In Deming, on Ash St., near the old County Courthouse, is an "Auto Shop". I have never seen any activity there, but the hub caps that are incorporated into the exterior are always shinny and clean. I have used one of my pictures of the building and broken it down into different pictures that are abstracted to the point that they are no longer recognizable as part of a building. The process of doing this is good for me, it forces me to see the subjects from another perspective.
Hmmm this could be even more fun if I start to experiment with the different filters in my Photoshop Elements program.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jump Starting Creativity continued





In all of the above the image came first and the words followed. Except "AFTER I DIE" the words were a question: "What will I miss after I die?" It was part of an exercise in writing. I had great difficulty dealing with that question because I have always thought of death as a form of moving beyond were one was. The best I could come up with was not an image of what I would miss, but what I might be moving on to. Hmmm, I guess I was out standing in my field, alone, again.