Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Blizzard came to us a year ago; he was five years old, neglected, and abandoned with a broken shoulder. He had been picked up by the Humane Society and taken to the Vet’s office; where he had surgery on the shoulder and recuperated for a month.

He was not at all the spayed female we were looking for. He was an intact male. The Vet knew we had been looking for a companion for Roul. While I was at the Vet’s with Roul for his routine shots Blizzard was suggested. As I hemmed and hawed Blizzard was carried in. With his white fur, and his black shoe button eyes he was irresistible. He and Roul gave each other a sniff and appeared to be at peace.

The Vet preformed a quick neuter and some dental surgery and Blizzard joined the family the next day.

Blizzard felt safe with me and after his new home was no longer strange; he decided that I belonged to him and him alone. He attacked both my husband and Roul when they came near me. He hated big dogs and would attack them if they came within five feet of him. Any visitors to our home were greeted with a snarling white fury. We had our hands full.

A little over a year later his shoulder has healed, his fur grown in, his fear of strangers under control, and his temperament is mellower. Having never played with toys he is not sure what to do when Roul offers him one. The damage to his shoulder keeps him from leaping the way Roul does. His coat is now as soft as down and no longer crunches, the dirt is gone from the inside of his ears, and his eyes are as bright as stars.
Blizzard is a happy, secure member of the family.

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